Less Words, More Pictures

Since we arrived in Prague at the end of July, our trip has been plagued by rain and cold weather. In fact, the conditions are very reminiscent of Portland in the fall. Last night I shivered all the way to the restaurant on our way to dinner. It's been somewhat disheartening to go from scorching, hottest-summer-on-record weather, to this unseasonably cold stuff. We simply haven't the clothes for either extreme.
The new airline regulations will pose a problem for us, since my carry-on will have to be checked (aren't carry-ons for cosmetics and a change of clothes?), and we've of course accumulated some new stuff. Although we only checked two pieces of luggage originally, we were assessed a $50 fee because each piece exceeded 50 lbs. (you try traveling in all this different weather for 8 weeks !).
So here are more photos from Italy. We won't have wireless again for a while, but maybe we'll make it to an internet point and move my blog up closer to real-time journaling!

(a view of Florence from Michelangelo point)


(The extraordinary pool)>
(The colors at sunset)

(bicycling around the former rampart that surrounds the lovely town of Lucca)
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